Axioo: William Lie
Mar 07, 2016    |   By Will
Welcoming William!

Hi everybody!


I want to introduce you to a guy who I think is not a stranger to you in the first place. He’s no stranger to us, that’s for sure. He’s been a part of our AXIOO for a while now as editor and then as a shadow photographer and then, for a brief period of time, a photographer who specializes in single portraitures.


There is more to William Lie than his adorable chubby cheeks the girls are always gushing about that. Beyond that baby face, there is a deep passion for photography and an extraordinary talent, combined with a charming personality. William is the picture of the artist with a golden heart.


He checks off everything we ever wanted in a wedding photographer - young, spirited, creative, and more importantly, a really fun guy to be around. And so, it is with great pride and pleasure that we welcome William Lie into our wedding photographers line up. He will now dedicate his talents to making pre-wedding portraits and capturing your wedding moments.


Everyone in AXIOO loves this guy. And I believe that you will too. Welcome to the team, William.






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