Axioo: Ray Kho
Jan 22, 2019    |   By Ray
Passion in Each Fibre
courtesy of David & Michelle

Humans are highly visual creatures. We trade our radios for smart TVs; our text books for animative gadgets and each one is sure to be better than the last. Sharper in focus and definition.


It can’t be helped that we are the way we are, because humans are wired that way. Half of our brains is directly or indirectly devoted to processing visual information, working at a super speed to identify images. At least 65% of people are visual learners too, maybe you included!


But long before we know all about this scientific explanations, our team of photographers and videographers has long been obsessed with the ideas of intoxicating visuals. We may start from the old camera, capturing moments and turning them into stills or printed pictures. But as soon as we move into the direction of motion, it all just clicked.


Thanks to our team of videographers in Axioo Bali, we’re going above and beyond in creating each unique tribute for the memory of our clients. David and Michelle is but one fine example of a brilliantly documented story, each visuals offering feels that tug at our heart strings. We have Ray Khoo to thank for that, along with all our amazing team involved.


Expect more of Axioo-only vibes in our reels, a representation of our dedication, love and passion. You deserve it.


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