Axioo: Robb Susanto
Aug 31, 2019    |   By Robb
Leaving Footprints, Taking Memories
courtesy of Erin & Halda

Have you ever heard of the saying, “You don’t really know someone, until you have traveled with them”? Perhaps that’s why, traveling is a necessary part in one’s journey of life. When you are traveling alone, you are finding yourself while getting lost. And when you are getting married, you travel as a couple to rediscover each other.


When you pack your life away in a few day’s worth of suitcase with your significant other, you’re essentially being challenged to explore uncharted paths together. We don’t often say this, but shooting a prewedding is not an easy feat. It can get tiring, gruesome and less than perfect. What goes behind the lens is a story of two soulmates overcoming jetlags, new lands, nerves, and even unpleasant experiences.


But at the same time, they will also get the memories of a lifetime. They will continue to share their private moments as they explore new places, uncover hidden gems, be humbled by the unknown and what awaits. By the end of the experience, we dare say that all couples come out stronger and more in love once their destination prewedding concludes.


For Halda and Erin who chose Bhutan as their love landmark, this couldn’t be truer. This trip was about mysterious beauty, unusual allure, and bold discoveries. It’s a place beating with its own harmony and you simply cannot help but be charmed by it. We’re certain, this couple will agree that it’s a journey of a lifetime, and a life-changing one too.


Enjoy this clip, it’s a delightful treat and a source of inspiration, all at once.






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