Axioo: Robb Susanto
May 16, 2016    |   By Robb
A Breeze of Simplicity
courtesy of Alana & Michael

Cool, confident and contemporary, Michael embodies the invigorating persona who embraces life with the utmost vigor. He loves taking care of himself. He owns his eclectic character and an unmistakable sense of ‘joie de vivre’ who never passes by unobserved. He pursues his goals with heroic energy and enthusiasm but at the same time remains witty and desirable.


Infused with the force of attraction of a woman with style and beauty, Alana matches all the extraordinary facets that make her one of a kind. She’s a romantic dedicated to basic values – family, work, health and happiness. A woman at ease with herself in her relationships and with her world.


Life is thrilling and meant to be lived to the fullest. Again and again they give in to the pleasure and excitement – ready for each and every explosive encounter. Fearless in their passion, they are audacious, seductive and magnificent.






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