Axioo: Emanuel A Kristanto
Aug 27, 2024    |   By Kris
When the Party's Over
courtesy of Sigourney & Dave

The thought of marrying your soulmate can be truly overwhelming. Just thinking about all the moments that build up to the proposal, the preparation, the big day itself, and even the after-party is sure to make anyone dizzy with joy.


But once the adrenaline of preparation subsides and the wedding celebration is complete, there's still one thing that will fill you with enthusiasm: the thought of beginning forever and starting your first new chapter together.


It is in the aftermath of building a life with someone you love that you will look most forward to. It is about how two lives are now intertwined for better or for worse and how deeply committed they will be. It’s the realization that this journey now involves two people holding and reassuring each other, having found a home in one another.


For Sigourney & Dave, they have the rest of their lives to figure out, grow, and evolve into the best versions of themselves. To have married the love of their life and to be lucky enough to find each other across the span of the universe—now, that is definitely something to look forward to.


We congratulate this beautiful couple once again. Now that the party is over, we hope this collection of wedding photos will be something they treasure as they start their new moments together.




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