Axioo: Robb Susanto
Jun 27, 2023    |   By Robb
The Sweetest Forever
courtesy of Armand & Gigi

In our bride’s own words, “Nothing worth having is ever easy.” But, as time never fails to prove, true love rewards those who overcome all obstacles and challenges.


Armand and Gigi first met in New York during a time when anything could happen and take shape. Yet, as fate would have it, every twist and turn led them just where they should be: right in each other’s arms.


Our couple’s love story exemplifies the essence that true love is not immune to hardships. Despite facing various trials, from enduring the difficulties of a long-distance relationship and finding their paths in life, they persevered and remained committed to one another. It’s not an easy journey, but going through it together results in a profound connection and a deep understanding.


The wedding celebration at Alila Uluwatu Bali serves as the culmination of their love story. Like a triumph over the hurdles they encountered, they stood together in front of their loved ones, blessed with warmth to usher in their next journey as a married couple. The traditional ceremonies, vow exchanges, and wedding rituals all contribute to beauty of their special day.


Armand and Gigi have earned the sweetest reward: a love that will last forever. Let their story serve as a reminder that sometimes love is not effortless. The most profound and rewarding love stories often require dedication, resilience, and the ability to navigate life's ups and downs. But as long as you have the right person, you’re all set on the right path.






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