Axioo: Andreas Permadi
Jul 04, 2023    |   By Adi
The Big Little Things
courtesy of Samuel & Krista
It wasn't about impressing others; it was about making everyone feel like a cherished part of the journey.

Love is often thought of as something grand and awe-inspiring, yet sometimes, love is more often found in the small gestures, simple details and little things that count. Samuel and Krista, our couple from Hong Kong, epitomizes this concept perfectly, as they play host to their intimate and detail-oriented wedding celebration at Alila Uluwatu Bali.


In a world that often prioritizes fancy and flashy displays, Samuel and Krista taught us the power of simplicity. Their wedding was a testament to the fact that love is not always about extravagance, but rather about the accumulation of small, heartfelt moments.


Their wedding celebration was a reflection of their values. From their attire, presentation, and each detail, the energy was an atmosphere of warmth and intimacy. It wasn't about impressing others; it was about making everyone feel like a cherished part of their journey.


It’s time like this that we’re reminded how love, like a tapestry, is woven together by the threads of small, meaningful moments. It's in stolen glances, shared smiles, and late-night conversations. It's in the support, celebration, and comfort they offer each other.


Samuel and Krista's wedding captures how love's true essence lies in the simplicity of a touch, a kind word, or a shared beauty. It is these little things that accumulate into a magnificent act of true love, often missed in the pursuit of grand gestures.


We are so honored to have been a part of their special day and to witness the radiance of their profound love. Our best wishes for Samuel and Krista, may your life and love continue to be beautiful as always!






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