Axioo: Andreas Permadi
Jun 23, 2015    |   By Adi
Land of Simple Life
Bryan & Althea saying yes
The light was our guide.

Perth, 2015. It was good to be in this quiet town again. Six thousand and four hundred square meters of simple life, where delicious seafood and mischievous seagulls exist side by side.


The roads, are my second favourite feature of this town. The roads are broad, but the cars are scarce. It's indeed something new to an Indonesian like me. Now, my most favourite feature. It is the same answer as my most favourite feature of all sub-tropic countries in earth. Yes, it’s the sun. I’m always enchanted by how slowly it rises and sets in these regions.


Initially, the rundown stated we should reach Lancelin, north of Perth, by 10am. I told Bryan and Althea to pick me up at 5am instead (David, I know you're saying, "ha!" right now.) I wanted to explore Perth’s sun behaviour. I wanted to get along well with it.


My heart raced as a layer of orange glow peeked from the back of the hills but we were still an hour away from Lancelin. Bryan was the one who drove and he was worry, too. He pushed the paddle flat and seemed to enjoy the speed. He’s a professional designer, he knows the importance of good lighting. It was the first hour I met Bryan and I liked him a lot already.


While Althea, she is nothing but a tough, smart, funny, and elegant fine lady. The wind was chilling down our spine, blowing sand into our eyes. The terrain was harsh, yet her dress was so delicate. But never, ever, a single whine or complain coming from her. She patiently repeated her sweet smile over and over until I told her I've got the shot.


Everytime there was a chance, Bryan would keep Althea warm. He wrapped his suit over her shoulder, brushed her hands over and over, and hugged her tenderly until the cold disappeared. During the second scene, Bryan was improvising. He created a crown out of wildflowers for Althea. It was very cute until the wind blew the bobby pins away and I laughed so hard at Althea telling her that her hairpiece looked like a pair of horn by then. I’m sorry Bryan, I’m sorry Althea, but I am actually laughing again right now remembering it.


The photoshoot was very relaxed, flexible, and full of laughers. We had to scrap off many places from the initial itinerary, but with all the joy and adventure, it didn't matter anymore. The light was our guide. We pulled over when the light told us to, then had a wonderful photo session there.


Thank you Bryan and Althea for the unforgetable days. I'm in love with Perth now and will definitely come back to play with my wife and kid.






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