Axioo: William Lie
Jan 02, 2024    |   By Will
Celebrate it Epic
courtesy of Wikki & Michelle

In our book, there's only one kind of event that requires an all-out celebration: a wedding. Unlike birthdays or anniversaries, which can be celebrated annually, we're talking about a once-in-a-lifetime moment here. It's only natural that couples want to celebrate it big, celebrate it epic!


Wiki and Michelle knew just the kind of celebration we're referring to. It all started in the stunning setting of Ayana Resort in Bali, where Wikki and Michelle created a wedding day that was nothing short of extraordinary.


The morning ceremony was a beautiful affair, with a gazebo offering breathtaking views of the ocean and lush gardens all around. Against this natural backdrop, they exchanged vows, surrounded by the beauty of Bali's tropical charm and the company of their loved ones.


As the day turned into night, the scene transformed into a grand evening reception. The venue sparkled with proper lighting and a crystal chandelier, creating a lavish atmosphere. Wikki and Michelle, dressed in traditional attire, took center stage for a heartwarming dance as husband and wife.


But the celebration didn't stop there. The night continued with an electrifying after-party, where the couple, alongside their close friends and family, danced and laughed the night away. The beats of music and the clinking of glasses filled the air, turning the after-party into a lively extension of the grand festivities.


From the morning's serenity to the evening's opulence and the energetic after-party, every moment perfectly captures the essence of a wedding that goes beyond the ordinary. It's a proper mark to the beginning of a lifetime filled with love and unforgettable memories. Truly, we wouldn't have it any other way.






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